Explore your options within iProfile

The iProfile Program provides investors a sophisticated approach to portfolio construction, as well as diversification of underlying investments, managed by high quality global asset managers.  A range of portfolio options are available that align to your risk tolerance, investment time horizon, and investment goals. Your IG Wealth Management Consultant will help to determine which investment option is right for you.

iProfile Portfolios

Exclusive access to global investment management expertise


iProfile Portfolios are a suite of four managed solutions that provide:

  • Comprehensive diversification, not only in different asset classes but also in different management styles and strategies.

  • Portfolios that are designed to suit your personal preferences when it comes to risk tolerance and investment goals.

  • Personalized oversight from our experienced investment team and your IG Consultant.

Our fundamental approach

Disciplined asset allocation

iProfile Portfolios are built on the investment theory of strategic asset allocation. We determine the right allocation to different asset classes for each portfolio. These asset classes could include bonds, stocks and alternative investments, from Canada and other key markets across the globe.

Portfolios are rebalanced regularly to maintain the appropriate mix of assets, to ensure that the agreed level of risk remains consistent. 

iProfile Portfolios bring instant diversification

With iProfile Portfolios, you’ll own a highly diversified and expertly managed portfolio that includes assets from various countries and a wide variety of industries. We’ve made it easy to choose the portfolio that matches your investment objective and the level of risk or volatility that’s right for you.

iProfile Portfolios also make investment administration easier when it comes to rebalancing. Our professional portfolio managers oversee and maintain the asset allocation exposures so you don’t have to.

How we choose iProfile Portfolio asset managers


Part of the process of developing iProfile Portfolios is to hand-pick established, top-performing asset managers from across the globe, all with a proven investment track record.

To do this, we go through a comprehensive selection process and a review of key criteria, including:

  • Past performance

  • A successful investment strategy

  • Long-term experience and stability

  • Diversified expertise

  • Research resources

After selecting our asset managers, we monitor their performance continuously, to ensure they maintain their excellent performance levels. 

Our diversified investment approach – and why it matters


As well as diversifying by the type and location of assets, we go a step further by also diversifying by company size and these investment styles:

Core: Has no clear bias toward either growth or value.

Growth: Focuses on companies with high earnings growth or the potential to achieve it.

Value: Concentrates on two types of companies: those that may be undervalued by the market and dividend-paying, established companies in mature industries.

These different investment styles add further diversification with the goal of enhancing growth, managing volatility and ultimately delivering a smoother investor experience.

Investor profiles


The four iProfile Portfolios offer options to match varying degrees of risk tolerance and investment time horizons.

We manage risk by diversifying assets by type, geographical location, company size and investment style. We manage it further by varying the mix of fixed income investments and equities.

Our suite of four comprehensive portfolio solutions range from conservative to aggressive risk tolerance:


Why we continuously monitor iProfile Portfolios


Normally, when you invest in a broad range of investments, market actions can alter the balance of your portfolio. Rebalancing it could require selling some assets, which might have tax consequences.

iProfile Portfolios, are always kept in balance to ensure that they continue to be aligned with your objectives and risk tolerance.

The portfolios are rebalanced regularly to maintain the appropriate mix of assets, to ensure that the level of risk remains consistent.


  • Tax-efficient options

    We provide tax-efficient options for your non-registered investments, including Series T solutions, which provide tax-efficient, steady monthly cash flow through the return of capital option.

  • Are iProfile Portfolios right for you?

    iProfile Portfolios are designed for sophisticated investors looking for exclusive, non-traditional opportunities with high-quality asset managers.

    iProfile Portfolios could be right for you if you’re looking for an investment that:

    • Delivers a broadly diversified global investment portfolio

    • Offers a range of portfolios so you can select the objective and risk level that is best for you

    • Aims to provide the best possible return for that risk level

    • Provides automatic rebalancing so you have peace of mind that your portfolio is aligned with your risk tolerance

    • Offers tax-efficient options for your non-registered investments with Series T solutions
  • Getting started with iProfile Portfolios

    Contact your IG Consultant for your personalized iProfile Investment Plan or find a consultant here.

For fund-specific documents, click here.

Commissions, fees and expenses may be associated with mutual fund investments and the use of the iProfile Program. Read the prospectus and speak to an IG Consultant before investing.  Mutual funds are not guaranteed, values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Recommendations relate only to IG Wealth Management mutual funds. An asset allocation service, iProfile Private Portfolios are a managed asset program for clients with a minimum of $250,000 invested in the iProfile Program.

iProfile Private Portfolios

Exclusive access to global investment management expertise


iProfile Private Portfolios are a comprehensive program that help to provide investors with:

  • Trusted, globally respected investment managers

  • Time-tested allocation processes and diversification strategies

  • Personalized oversight from our experienced investment team and your IG Consultant

Our fundamental approach

Disciplined asset allocation

iProfile Private Portfolios are built on the investment theory of strategic asset allocation. We determine the right allocation to different asset classes for each portfolio. These asset classes could include bonds, stocks, and alternative investments, from Canada and other key markets across the globe.

Portfolios are rebalanced regularly to maintain the appropriate mix of assets, to ensure the agreed level of risk remains consistent.

iProfile Private Portfolios help investors maintain optimal diversification

iProfile Private Portfolios are based on a globally diversified mix of asset classes that aim to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns over the long term. This asset mix is monitored by your IG Consultant and can be rebalanced, if necessary, back to the original asset allocation targets set specifically for you.

Whether you are looking for growth of your invested capital, income, or a blend of both, there is an iProfile Private Portfolio solution to meet your needs and goals.

How we choose iProfile Private Portfolio asset managers


Part of the process of developing iProfile Private Portfolios is to carefully select established, top-performing asset managers from across the globe, all with a proven investment track record.

To do this, we go through a comprehensive selection process and a review of key criteria, including:

  • Past performance

  • A successful investment strategy

  • Long-term experience and stability

  • Diversified expertise

  • Research resources

After selecting our asset managers, we monitor their performance continuously, to ensure they maintain their excellent performance levels.

Our diversified investment approach – and why it matters


As well as diversifying by the type and location of assets, we go a step further by also diversifying by company size and these investment styles:


Core: This style uses a fundamental approach to selecting investments without a clear bias toward either growth or value.

Growth: This style has a focus on investing in companies that show high growth in earnings or the potential to achieve high growth in earnings over time. These companies are less likely to pay dividends because revenue is reinvested to support the continued growth of the company.

Value: This style concentrates on two types of companies;

  • Companies that may be undervalued in the market

  • Established companies in mature industries that are not experiencing growth, but which have consistent revenues that can be paid out to investors in the form of dividends

Investor profiles


The iProfile Private Portfolios offer a range of asset allocations, diversified by geography, market capitalization, and investment style. This diversity of options allows the appropriate solution to be selected for each individual investor, in keeping with their risk tolerance and investment time horizon. With dozens of model portfolios to choose from, your IG Consultant will help make the best choice for your unique situation.



  • Tax-efficient options

    The iProfile Private Portfolios can be adapted to each investor’s tax situation to help minimize and defer the effects of income tax on investment growth and income. When investments earn income from interest, dividends, or realized capital gains, some of these gains and/or income are lost to taxation. With iProfile, investors can opt to receive a tax-efficient steady monthly cash flow through the return of capital option.

    Series T shares are available on the iProfile Private Pools and iProfile Private Classes (excluding Money Market Class). The cash flow amount is set at the end of each year on or about December 31 for the next year as a percentage of the net asset value per share but may be adjusted or discounted if determined by the Corporation to be in the best interest of the pools.

  • Are iProfile Private Portfolios right for you?

    The iProfile Private Portfolios program is ideal for investors who value personalized advice and a disciplined multi-manager approach to managing their investments that does not require their hands-on involvement to achieve long-term results.

  • Getting started with iProfile Private Portfolios

    Access to iProfile Private Portfolios program starts with an in-depth financial planning discovery process with your IG Consultant to identify your personal investment goals, your investment time horizon, and your comfort level with risk and volatility. Once that process is complete, your IG Consultant will prepare an iProfile Investment Plan that is personalized to you, with full details on your recommended iProfile Private Portfolio program and our ongoing service commitment.

For fund-specific documents, click here.

Commissions, fees and expenses may be associated with mutual fund investments and the use of the iProfile Program. Read the prospectus and speak to an IG Consultant before investing.  Mutual funds are not guaranteed, values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Recommendations relate only to IG Wealth Management mutual funds. An asset allocation service, iProfile Private Portfolios are a managed asset program for clients with a minimum of $250,000 invested in the iProfile Program.