Protect the lifestyle you’ve worked hard to achieve with the right insurance solutions.  Your IG Advisor will conduct a thorough insurance needs analysis and develop a unique solution for you. Designed for your needs and to protect what matters to you and your financial well-being.

Manage life’s risks and protect your income

The unexpected can impact your financial plan.  Having the proper policies in place, like life, critical illness or disability insurance are important to protecting you and your family from an unforeseen loss of income or from unplanned expenses.

Protect the value of your estate

Safeguard your home, vacation property, business shares and investments with the right insurance.  It also delivers more than just protection, it is also an opportunity to accumulate additional savings or to leave more of your wealth, tax-free, to the people or causes you care most about.

Guaranteed income you can never outlive

A life annuity could provide a guaranteed foundation for your retirement income, making retirement planning much more straightforward.